Detroit musician Josie Pace is releasing a new album this week and it is a breath of fresh air in the world of rock and punk. Entitled IV0X10V5, the eleven tracks celebrate of female empowerment with a roaring sense of strut and sass.
Josie’s music represents a piece of her solitude. The blistering glow of downtempo post-industrial beats, electro-pop melodies and layered soundscapes are home to some captivating lyrics; she is a natural story teller. The music has a pulsating sound that will haunt you with vulnerability while basking in Josie’s world of self-reflection and the unapologetic rock and roll attitude of Detroit. The lead single ‘Storm and Stress‘ is an outstanding example of Josie’s music and vocal ability, while ‘Underestimated‘, and ‘Future‘ give the listener a fresh, new and authentic look at rock music.
Josie is also an accomplished acoustic musician, which means that her songs can be moulded acoustically before rebuilding them with musician and producer Ken Roberts’ grinding synths, unique production style and the addition of Mark Damian’s live drums. Crucially, Josie carries the same commitment of style and artistry to her high-energy live performances. She has shared the stage with Combichrist, Powerman 5000, Stabbing Westward, Tim Skold (KMFDM),Daniel Myer (Haujobb, Architect) and Davey Suicide as well as her own shows.
Josie’s advice for aspiring musicians is drawn from her own musical experiences:
“Working on music for the better part of my entire life, the advice I would give to other musicians is write, play, wear, create what you love, no matter what anyone else says. Honestly if you’re in it for anything other than to be true to yourself and make yourself happy with what you create, you’re probably in it for the wrong reasons. Don’t be a people pleaser. You will ALWAYS have people who hate what you do. I get countless hateful comments, messages and emails every day, it’s inevitable. But when you find the people that love what you do, and support your art, and thank you for creating something that is true to you; it is the most fulfilling feeling. Even if I wasn’t where I am in my career, nothing I am doing would change. I would still be creating and writing what makes me happy. Be you, all the way down to the core, even when it’s difficult.”
IV0X10V5 is released on 4 February 2022 on Negative Gain Productions. Get your copy here.
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